Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pretty prints from a long time ago.

Anyone who knows me, would know of my current on going love affair with anything Australian. And I also am quite fond of old natural history and botany prints, re-prints of course. Since originals are a bit out of my price range. Individual prints are awesome, framed of course so they can look pretty on my wall. But what I'm really interested in getting is books of the prints, so I can scan the ones I like and print and frame it my self. It would be cheaper as a whole and I can get to choose from a lot of different prints.

One guy I'm really liking is John Gould, and I'm really interested in the work he and his artists did while traveling in Australia. One book in particular has a collection of his work in Australia and information about his trip, is really catching my fancy. It's called "The Business of Nature John Gould and Australia" and it's only $49.99! You can get it at a beautiful shop in the Queen Victoria building on the fourth floor. It's called Antique Print Room. There is an amazing collection of antique prints and maps there, which I dream of owning one day. You can also order it from the ABC shop for the same price. Another brilliant book with this persons work is called "Mammals of Australia" available at the same shop for only $10, in the book there is 182 beautiful illustrations of Australian animals.

Another book that I quite like is "Upside down world: early European impressions of curious Australia's animals" Which is only for $39, yay! You can also get it at the Antique Print Room. I think this would be an adorable addition to my soon  to be collection (It will happen) due to the fact the pictures are usually grossly out of portion or have the details all wrong in a quirky kinda way. Europeans must of been so weirded out when they first saw some of the Australian animals. They have drawn them like aliens. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Harps like my grandmother played.

Some of my earliest memories of childhood is sitting in my grandmothers lounge room play with her harp. Since then I have always wanted to fashion my self like her when I get older as I saw her as a picture of elegance and grace. So I have also wanted a harp, not now mind you seeing as I don't have a place that I can call my own let alone the space or money required of a proper floor harp like my grandmothers. But Sometimes I like to look and plan what I will have in my perfect house in the future. Which is silly I know but, eh, it entertains me. I think I would first get a student floor harp due to it's easier to learn how to play and usually cheaper. If I actually get good at it like my grandmother I may buy a grand concert one later on in life.

I have decided I want an Australian made harp due to the fact I'm weirdo like that as most of my friends can attest to. My first one should hopefully like something like this Studio 34 Sting Floor Harp.

Moroccan lanterns light the way.

Continuing on with my Moroccan smoking lounge theme, I also adore Moroccan lanterns. I already have one which I bought for $18 at a Chinese Junk shop which is a bronze metal with orange stainless glass panels. A few of my friends may of seen it already sitting besides my antique orange bottle. I would like a few more hanging ones, maybe just three and a few more sitting ones of different sizes. I like colored glass ones ones the best and if they matched the one I already have with bronze metal work all the better. But not necessary. Piece by piece I'm gonna work to my awesome Moroccan smoking lounge fantasy!

You can get them at most Chinese junk shops for very cheap, so keep an eye out for them! Otherwise Tree of life also sells them for a higher price.

Floor cushions make titled floor comfy

Anyone who has been to my old house knows how much I like sitting on the floor, and how pretty much everyone else has to as well due to space restrictions. Well ever since then I have always wanted a shit load of fancy hippy floor cushions to deck out an area for my guests to lounge about and just talk.Think of a dreamy Moroccan smoking lounge with short tables, lanterns, rugs and hookas. That's the kinda feel I am going for really. And for that I  need lots of pretty cushions!

I prefer square ones over round ones as they are easier to stack and I need all the room I cam get really. And the more hippy-ish it looks the better! Matching colors is also important, so I will be getting reds and golds to match my mat I already have in my smoking room. You can get them from Tree of life and some plainer ones from bigger chain stores. Just keep an eye out. The plainer ones are cheaper and should work well with a few fancy ones from Tree of life mixed in. I just gotta make sure the color scheme matches!

Medieval looking tapestry makes best curtain.

Ever since I walked into my friend Elisabeth's room, I have had a love affair with medieval tapestries. Not sure if anyone knows that yet, since I don't have the money to splash out of these kinda things. But if anyone happens to come across these kinda things for cheap. Tell me! I want one.

I basically want it to either hang across a window or just to hang up on a wall. But they make awesome sun blockers for night shift workers and look elegant and timeless when hung up. And it would block the view of that ugly brick wall that is right next to my window.

The Keepsake wall tapestry is great example of what type of piece I want if it involves people.
Otherwise William Morris patterns are beautiful examples of just patterned pieces I like.

A lot of poster websites offer tapestries of certain prints such as and


Butterflies under glass is what I like.

Most people who have been to my place may of noticed the collection of butterflies I have hanging on my walls. And I really would love to buy some more when I have the time and money. I really like butterflies, moths, beetles, scorpions and stick insects. Not to fond of spiders though. Butterflies are an all time favorite and I want them all. I like the jeweled beetle family as well. Basically anything that is pretty and/or shiny and is an insect I want it mounted on a pin and framed then hanged on my wall.

Bits and Bugs is an Australian website so they can deliver to me! I'm keeping an eye out for more Australian based companies as well for more of a selection and cheaper prices. If you find any people comment me a link!

Butterfly Utopia also has some great buys but it located outside of Australia. Fortunately they have a company you can use to get the bought butterflies sent to an American address and have the paperwork filled out to be sent over seas. They have an awesome bargain page (page 9) where single framed butterflies can be as cheap as $18 a pop!

I like my insects in wooden frames, preferably black. And if there is more than one insect, I like then in neat little rows, none of the random pattern stuff. And having them labeled is a nice bonus, but not necessary. Here are a few of my favorites.

Cue intro.

This blog is basically a collection of links and photos of things I like and maybe even want.

Pretty simple really.

Might even come in handy from all those people who think I'm hard to buy for. ;)